Kynan Tegar for Indai Apai Darah
Anthony Lolli, Tereza A Hakobyan- Lolli for Biohack Yourself: Lifespanning our Vitality
Peter Lilly for This Is Who We Are
Christopher Wheat for In Pursuit of The Monad
Emma Masters, Dean Munuggullumurr Yibarbuk for Ngarridurndeng Kured
FRANK MANCUSO, Rocco Trombetta for A Melody in the Bronx
Peter Lilly for This Is Who We Are
Mark Francis for “A Vampire’s Kiss”
Jyoti Singh for Zindagi Hai (USA)
Kayla M Davis for Skelly
Andreas Wollmarker-Stiedl for FEMIZID
Ralph Paras, Edwin Shema for Twenty Something
Marquise Myles for The Last Showing
Edward Newman for Nighthawks
John Norris Ray for FIDO
Kayla M Davis for Skelly
Nicolas Cuellar Gempeler, Paola Diaz Gomez, Maria Fernanda Pinilla Segura, Gustavo Cabezas Tenorio, Juven Piranga Valencia, Ursula Baylon Londo��o, Lorena Herran Sanchez, Melvin Rivero Guerra, Liceth Duran Herrera, Sonia Jaimes Rodriguez for #NAME?