
March 17 - March 19 , 2025



Every trophy will be customized with the Awardee’s name, Project’s name and the Official Laurel of the category.

Beautiful work of art deserves graceful elegance to alleviate the beauty of hard work and dedication. The circle of excellence is just an exemplary trophy to justify this claim to the world. The pure essence of dedication reflects in the glistening body of this circle. This trophy signifies a high note of transparency by the look itself. The Circle signifies the sheer level of dedication that unfolds in front of the eyes of millions who watches a film. This magnificent trophy holds an iconic star as a label of pride and honour. 

The artful resilience that makes an aura around the circle of excellence that personifies the dedication of every filmmaker around the world. The power from this piece is a very unique sculptural masterpiece that sustains the spirit of making films. This fine piece of trophy stands for a fresh and glorious start to a new chapter of making films. The prestigious trophy applies to the laurels that are placed in this film festival. 

They resemble the crown and tiara of this modern cinema. The perfect couture for this trophy is a desire to flaunt the success of a brilliant filmmaker. Such a fine beauty is a sight for sore eyes as it speaks to the world of all the struggles that a filmmaker needs to go through on a daily basis. Such an exemplary resemblance denotes the essence of life in order to make the message of every film beautify this solid talent of every filmmaker.

Once you have ordered the Award, send us an email with the Awardee’s name, Project’s Name, Tracking ID and category for customization. In terms of any questions, please get in touch with us via mail at info@4thdimensionfilmfest.comThank you!



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